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Petroleum Price Party!

The best thing that could happen to the world actually happened this week: Oil prices went above the all-time inflation-adjusted record price of $103.76/barrel. I'm going to celebrate by recycling my SUV into a large LCD television. Okay, not really, but it seems like it could be done. Anyways, I am excited that the trend is supposed to continue, even though politicians like nothing better than complaining about gasoline prices.


At March 20, 2008 at 11:30 PM zod said...

The problem is that higher gasoline prices hit the poor and the lower middle-class harder than anyone else. It is easy to celebrate higher gas prices when it doesn't really affect you in a real way.

This is two in a row. First you celebrated the coming worldwide economic collapse and now you are celebrating higher gas prices. This leads me to one question: why do you hate the poor? You are sacrificing the poor on the altar of your Green Moloch.

Ok, I'm joking. But seriously, you have to consider how these things play out in the _real world_ and not just in theory. In theory, when you only consider the oil question, higher oil prices are good. In reality, some woman on welfare just had to trade her food stamps for a tank of gas and a whole range of consumer products just got more expensive due to higher shipping costs, etc. Again, that disproportionately affects the poor.

You loved that.


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